Software Engineer.

I have a strong affinity for developing web applications. It's where I started my career and I haven't looked back since. I've been fortunate enough to have been placed in a variety of roles that have allowed me to grow and learn. I initially started working in QA and then slowly transitioned into Full Stack development. I've worked backend-focused roles and mobile roles, but I ultimately discovered that I really enjoy the frontend work the most. I love the creativity and the problem-solving that comes with it. I strangely get a kick out of trying to predict what the user will do and how they will interact with the application and so here we are!

Moving forward in my career, I would like to keep growing as a frontend developer and learn new and exciting technologies. I'd love to work with a team that values collaboration and mentorship. But at the same time, I want to be able to lead and showcase my skills and knowledge to help others grow as well.